Membership Chair - Joanne Gaborieau
Membership in the CN Pensioners’ Association shall consist of retired CN employees, survivors or spouse in receipt of a CN Pension under the Defined Benefit Plan; former CN employees, survivors or spouse who retired under the Defined Contribution Plan and other former CN employee’s, survivors or spouse and supporting members. Only members in receipt of a CN Pension under the Defined Benefit Plan are eligible to serve on the Regional, Provincial and / or National Council, and / or the Pension Committee. All other members may serve on the Executive of a local Council.or would have been entitled to a CN Pension.
Application for membership can be made by either completing the Application Form online and/or mailing a printed copy to The CN Pensioners Association of Manitoba. The annual fee for membership is currently $12.00 (less than one cup of coffee per month!). Membership fees expire December 31st and renewal fees become due on January 1st every year. Payment is made by Pension Cheque Deduction.
Membership in the CN Pensioners’ Association shall consist of retired CN employees, survivors or spouse in receipt of a CN Pension under the Defined Benefit Plan; former CN employees, survivors or spouse who retired under the Defined Contribution Plan and other former CN employee’s, survivors or spouse and supporting members. Only members in receipt of a CN Pension under the Defined Benefit Plan are eligible to serve on the Regional, Provincial and / or National Council, and / or the Pension Committee. All other members may serve on the Executive of a local Council.or would have been entitled to a CN Pension.
Application for membership can be made by either completing the Application Form online and/or mailing a printed copy to The CN Pensioners Association of Manitoba. The annual fee for membership is currently $12.00 (less than one cup of coffee per month!). Membership fees expire December 31st and renewal fees become due on January 1st every year. Payment is made by Pension Cheque Deduction.
Change of Address: Have you Moved? Do you have an address change? Log In to the Web Portal by clicking to change your address on line. Just follow the instructions above. If you prefer, you can still call CN Pension & Benefits Administration on their toll free number 1-800-361-0739 to advise them of your change of address. Don't forget to advise your local council Membership Chair.