Welcome To The CN Pensioners Association of Manitoba
CN Pension Inquiries - CN Pension & Benefits Administration
The CN Pensioners Association is NOT the administrator of your pension. For matters/questions directly related to your pension benefits, including change of address , changes in marital status, deceased pensioners, etc., you need to contact CN Pensions & Benefits Administration. You may be able to use the WEB PORTAL.
- By phone (have your PIN ready): Toll-free from Canada & US only: 1-800-361-0739
Local & International: 1-514-673-7730 (Collect calls accepted)
- By mail to: CN Pension & Benefits Admin P.O. Box 8111, Montreal, PQ, H3C 3N3
- By fax: 1-514-284-7488
Looking for the CN Pensioners National site, not Manitoba?
Visit https://www.cnpensioners.org email [email protected]
Visit https://www.cnpensioners.org email [email protected]
CN Police Number 1-800-465-9239 - if you notice any unsafe situation near the railroad, please call the CN Police.
For important annoucements, General Meeting dates, Guest Speakers, Upcoming events and more, click here!
The CN Pensioners Association of Manitoba has approximately 3600 members comprised of Canadian National Railways pensioners or their surviving spouses. Our members came from many different departments of the railway...offices, shops, yards, running trades...but all have a common bond of friendship and camaraderie. By joining together, we have the power, knowledge and ability to promote benefits for our members and to ensure their pensions keep pace with the changing economy.
When & Where We Meet for 2023: Meetings are held the first Wednesdy of each month (except July and August). Except for the annual Christmas Luncheon, the 2023 meetings will be held at the CN Claude Mongeau National Training Centre (CN Campus) located at 650 Pandora Avenue East. Meetings will commence at 2:00 p.m. Please do not arrive before 1:30 because no seating will be available until students have finished lunch. Please note that a "Dress Code is in Effect" at the Campus - no sleeveless shirts, shorts or sandals. See the map at the bottom of the page for more info on the location.
The CN Pensioners Association of Manitoba shall actively promote and protect the interests and concerns – social, legal, fraternal and economic – of all CN Pensioners and surviving spouses by acting as a liaison with the National Council of CN Pensioners Association to dialogue, propose and recommend with Canadian National Railways. They shall keep members informed of important activities and services, which may affect them financially or socially, as well as ensuring a better quality of life.
The Executive of the CN Pensioners Association of Manitoba is comprised of CN Pensioners who volunteer their time to serve this association. Those who serve the association have found this to be a most rewarding experience as they continue to bond with former work colleagues and friends. OUR MEETINGS
The agenda consists of a short business meeting plus a 20-30 minute presentation by a guest speaker on a topic of interest. A Door Prize Draw as well as a Birthday of the Month Draw are held at every meeting. Spouses are welcome to attend.
Annual Events include the Christmas Luncheon in December where we celebrate the Holiday Season and our Honorary Members. We also host a "Picnic in the Park" in June of each year which includes, lunch, lawn games and prizes. The Annual Mixed Golf Tournament is also held in June. In the past few years, other special events have included a trip on the Prairie Dog Central, a bus trip to Kenora, and excursions to casinos. |