Archived Bits & Pieces
BBC's Great Canadian Railway Journeys: Here is a video on BBC's Great Canadian Railway Journeys. This episode does a feature on Winnipeg. Lots of mention of CN including our station and The Claude Mongeau National Training Centre.
CN 100th 2020 Celebrations: All CN 100th Celebrations for 2020 have been cancelled.
CN In Your Community 2020 Brochure: Click here to view the brochure.
CN 100th Commemorative Book - If you have not yet ordered a copy of the CN 100th Commemorative Book, you can still do so for $25.00. Please visit the CN Employees and Pensioners Community Fund website by clicking at Scroll down to the CN 100 - Commemorative Book, click Donate and follow the instructions.
CN 100th Commemorative Coins - The Royal Canadian Mint along with CN unveiled 2 commemorative coins on May 13th, 2019. These coins are now available for purchase by visiting the Mint in person or online through their website at To view a photo, click here.
CN Pensioners' Web Portal - To register and log in, visit This new Portal gives you the ability to view / print your pension statements, change your address or change your banking information on line. Before logging in the first time, you must register. Just click on register link and follow the instructions. Be sure to keep your password in a safe place. After you have registered, your CN PIN number will be your log in ID. To log in, enter your pin number, and then the password that you created when you registered. Don’t forget to log out when you are finished. This Online Portal is for your convenience. However, if you prefer, you can still contact CN Pensions & Benefits through their toll free number at 1-800-361-0739 with your question or change request.
CN Fitness Centre at Symington - For CN Pensioners wishing to join the Employee Fitness Centre at Symington Yard, membership application forms can be picked up at Symington Yard "M" Building or by clicking here. Also, for a copy of the Policy Manual, please click here.
CN Employees' and Pensioners' Community Fund: Your role is important in your community. To read the Top 5 Reasons to give through the Community Fund, click here. For more information and to contribute, call 1-877-552-7555 or visit
Travel Passes - Did You Know?
Eligibility for travel passes: The following information is from Darlene Cherry on behalf of CN Pension & Benefits.
The benefits rules are a bit different than the pension rules which sometimes causes confusion. A post retirement spouse is not entitled to pension survivor benefits under the plan. However, If the retiree is eligible to a Travel Card and then marries or remarries after retirement, the post-retirement spouse is eligible for the Travel Card (train pass).
You can simply call the CN Pensions Call Centre at 1-800-361-0739, and request one. The Customer Service Agent will take the required information and let you know if anything further will be required to process the application.
The Pensioner's Book Store. Did you know that some of our local pensioners have authored books? To obtain a copy of one of these books and for an interesting read check out the following:
“Through the Window of a Train” and "Memories of the Moonlight Special and Grand Beach Train Era" by Barbara Lange. Barbara was overjoyed to learn that CN had quoted segments of her book in the CN 100th book "100 Years of Building a Legacy Together" on pages 10, 50 and 140.
“In The Arms of the Angels – Our Journey Through the Darkness of Dementia” by Janet Lewis Anderson, and "Gathering Memories" by Margaret Hollingsworth.
To purchase one of these books, please contact the Webmaster at [email protected]. She will put you in touch with the respective author.