Are You a Member?

Are you a CN Pensioner or Surviving Spouse? Are you a member of our Association? If not, have you wondered why you should consider becoming a member all for only $1 a month? Hopefully, the following will assist you in making the decision to join us.
Benefits of Membership
- The CNPA of Manitoba acts as a liaison with the National Council of CN Pensioners to communicate with the Canadian National Railway. The mission of the CNPA is to negotiate better pensions and benefits programs for all CN Pensioners and/or surviving spouses.
- The CNPA of Manitoba has a representative who sits on the Pension Committee. This committee, comprised of not only CN Management, but also by Representatives of the various Rail Unions and 6 members of the CN Pensioners Association negotiates on your behalf for increases in the Cost of Living Allowance.
- The CNPA of Manitoba also has representatives who sit on the Health Care Committee. This committee negotiates on your behalf and is comprised of representatives from CN, Medavie Blue Cross, and the CN Pensioners Association. The Health Care plan is funded solely through the premiums received from Plan members. The CNPA assumes full liability for this Plan. Medavie Blue Cross has been contracted by the CNPA to administer the Plan and claims process.
- The CNPA of Manitoba keeps members informed of pension, medical and benefit changes.
- The CNPA of Manitoba holds monthly meetings with speakers and topics of interest to seniors, such as: Wills & Estates, Prevention of Falls, Disability Tax Credit Services, Age & Opportunity, Snowbird Mediquote on Travel Insurance, Transportation Options for Seniors, Canadian Footwear, Manitoba Hospice & Palliative Care Representatives, CARP (Canadian Association for Retired Persons), We Care (supplemental home care services) just to name a few.
- The CNPA of Manitoba serves Complimentary Coffee & Donuts at our meetings.
- CNPA of Manitoba issues a newsletter three times per year providing noteworthy information as well as interesting articles about fellow pensioners. Visit our Newsletter page.
- In addition to the newsletter issued by the CNPA of Manitoba, the National Council of CN Pensioners ensures that every CN Pensioner or survivor receives the National Newsletter. This newsletter which is issued three times per year, includes articles from all levels of the association as well as articles from pensioners and survivors. Visit the National Newsletter page.
- Harvey Hosfield Bursary Program - If you are a member of the CN Pensioners Association of Manitoba, your children, and grandchildren are eligible to apply for the Hosfield Bursary Program. As of 2016, the children and grandchildren of Associate members in good standing are also eligible to apply. Please see our website for complete information on the Terms and Conditions of eligibility.
- CNPA Trade Bursary - New in 2017, the CN Pensioners Association of Manitoba introduced the CNPA Trade Bursary. If you are a member of the CN Pensioners Association of Manitoba, your children, and grandchildren are eligible to apply for the CNPA Trade Bursary. Please see our website for complete information on the Terms and Conditions of eligibility.
- National Council Scholarship Program - If you are a member and in receipt of a CN Pension, your children and grandchildren are eligible to apply for the Scholarship sponsored by the National Council of CN Pensioners' Association. Please see their website and click on the Scholarships tab for complete information on the Terms and Conditions of eligibility.
- Johnson Insurance Scholarship - If you are a member and in receipt of a CN Pension, your children and grandchildren are eligible to apply for the Scholarship sponsored by Johnson Insurance. Please visit and click on the Scholarships tab for complete information on the Terms and Conditions of eligibility.
- Railroaders In The Community - Incentive Bonus - To learn more about this bonus, visit the Railroaders In The Community Page.
- Besides our monthly General Meetings, the CNPA of Manitoba offers several social events such as our Annual Picnic in The Park, Christmas Luncheon, Golf Tournaments, Bowling and many other excursions). The CNPA of Manitoba subsidizes the cost of many of these events.
- Travel & Discounts - Check out our Travel & Discounts page for more information. Some conditions may apply.
- The CNPA of Manitoba has a website and facebook page dedicated to your needs. Please visit our website at and our Facebook page at
- The National Council of CN Pensioners also has a website dedicated to your needs. Please visit them at
The Executive Committee of the CNPA of Manitoba is made up of CN Pensioners and spouses who VOLUNTEER their time to serve and enhance your life. As you will appreciate, there are operational costs associated with running an organization. Your $1.00 a month membership fee is not only for stamps and stationery, it also goes towards phone calls, rental of meetings rooms for members, door prizes, gifts and cards when you are sick or hospitalized, coffee and donuts at the meetings, honorariums for our guest speakers, our newsletter, the Bursary program and a host of other things. We sincerely hope that if you aren’t already a member, that you will join us and support us so that we can continue to support you.
If you are a CN Pensioner in receipt of a CN Pension, joining us is easy. Just click here to go to our Membership page where you can complete the online form. Or if you prefer, download and fill out the application form below and mail it to the address shown. Your annual membership fees can be deducted from your pension cheque via Payroll Deduction (PRD). At only $1.00 per month, it will hardly be missed. By selecting this method, there is no additional cost to you by having to issue a cheque or money order as well as postage to mail to our Membership Chair. You also won’t have to remind yourself every January to renew your membership as it will be automatically renewed.
The only exception is for those who join as an Associate Member. Since you would not be in receipt of a CN Pension, payroll deduction is not an option, so please send us a cheque or money order for $12.00 to cover your annual membership fee.
Look forward to welcoming you soon!
Please contact Joanne Gaborieau, Membership Chairman with your P.I.N. to arrange for Pension Cheque Deduction and / or mail in the completed form. Click to download the form below. Or just click here to visit our Membership Page where you can complete the online form.

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